How to become a member of IPA?
You can become a member of the in a simple way, to contact your nearest Regional Club IPA in BiH and ask for membership! If you meet the basic requirements for membership, responsible persons in the club will give you instructions on the procedure of applying for membership. Check the contact addresses and phone numbers on web pages of certain clubs or send an email in the contact form!
IPA Activities
What are actually the activities of IPA, what is IPA, what is the purpose of its existence and many other questions raised by the police officers when gathering information about IPA, can be found in the information leaflet on this page under "WHAT IS IPA".
What benefit do I have from IPA?
Actually this question is the wrong attitude towards IPA and counters the principles and objectives of IPA. Our answer to this question is: Nothing!!! If you're not willing to give don’t hope that you will receive! And police officers who hope with this attitude to be admitted for membership are not welcome. IPA will not be a cover for the misuse of membership, if they had this in mind, or to be a fairy godmother to their wishes. Example: An older colleague asks with a sarcastic tone, "What's in it for me if I join, you're not going to cheat me like other organizations?"
Answer: Dear colleague, we respect your age but this organization is not for you. You cannot enroll. Already you are wondering what's in it for you, thinking, how you will get for modest fee valuable gifts or to be led by the hand to various IPA events at home and abroad! NO, this organization is not for you... ... and will not be good for any member who is sitting and waiting for someone to invite him to participate in some activities.
IPA is good for active members and if you follow our website and you wonder who these people are who are going to the events.... .....eeee these are people who are active in IPA and who deserve it for their work and contribution. Sorry if this interpretation does not suit somebody ... let's activate!
BiH membership card?
Since 2013 IPA BIH membership cars are made in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the approval of the international IPA!
How can I get IPA a badge?
How to get an IPA badge..... ... Drawing on the experience of neighboring IPA sections we do not rush with the preparation of the IPA badge, because other sections had negative experiences with the use of badges IPA! How? You ask yourself ???
Many so-called "colleagues" want to have a badge IPA knowing the "benefits" of it on the road, in another state or similar. A proposal of the Decision on the use of badges IPA has been drafted, governing the way of obtaining a badge, its use and consequences of abuse. The emphasis is on abuse ... Therefore the preparation is not in a hurry. The Decision regulates as well the returning o the badges in case of abuse. It is as well regulated that the badge cannot be obtained in the first year of membership for the sake of seriousness which is attached to it.
Who can become a member of IPA?
Every honest police officer and a retired police officer and police personnel can become a member of IPA.
And that means that every member is checked by the Steering Board of IPA, and it is certain that a member shall not become a policeman inclined to activities which are not in accordance with the law, regulations and code of conduct of the police in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
So it should not be a surprise for police officer to be rejected for membership in IPA !!!
How to establish a club in my county / canton / region?
Police officers often turn to us with the idea to establish a club in their county or canton or region ...
Very commendable, it's the real spirit of spreading ideas of IPA in Bosnia !!!
Simply members of the IPA can organize clubs at the level of region-cantons-counties, i.e. one in the area of the geographic unit, and all these clubs comprise the Section of BIH.
According to the relevant law on associations and foundations an association of citizens is established, and that we can help you with advice, paperwork and similar. It is desirable and highly commendable to set up as many clubs as possible and we must admit that there is an interest, where we are willing to help.
Please feel free to contact us, it is important that there is interest of an honest group of officers ...
What are the IPA houses?
IPA houses are owned by the national IPA section and are used for IPA members as accommodations when visiting or resting in a Member State of IPA. Example: If you have decided to visit England for a few days as a tourist, business and other, you can use the IPA house in the country for a small fee or overhead costs (depending on the country where you go). Read more on the pages of international IPA.
What are the benefits of membership in IPA?
Members of IPA, irrespective of the country they come from, have the same rights in every member country member of IPA. In any country a member of IPA has all privileges (discounts, accommodation, help from colleagues, etc.) And the most important is the help of colleagues in the event that one finds himself in an unexpected situation and need. And that's the most important benefit that a person can get anywhere in the world ...
"Servo per Amikeco"