Treasurer Tanja Manojlovic submitted the Financial Report for 2019 and the Financial Plan for 2020, which were adopted after the discussion. The report on work of the Supervisory Board was submitted by the President Predrag Radovanovic, which was adopted as well. At the proposal of the Steering Board, the Assembly adopted three rules of procedure. The regular assembly was followed by a solemn assembly. At the very beginning a minute of silence was held as a tribute to the late General Police Unit Commander Goran Kokanovic. After that Letters of appreciation were handed over to deserving individuals, silver IPA badges to members for 5 years of club membership, the IPA Brcko coat of arms for special contribution to the club and for the exceptional contribution to the club the highest recognition of the IPA Brcko plaque, which was handed over to the Mayor of Brcko District of BiH this year, Dr. Anti Domić. We congratulate all the winners of this year's awards, and we thank the other participants of the Assembly for their response, which, as in the previous period, was extremely large, which shows respect for our work so far. Servo per amikeco.